1. Apply for a license to the Department of Medical Licensing at the National Health Authority.
2. Submit a request to be exempted from local partnership to the Investment Promotion Department at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
3. Fill and certify the establishment contract form at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
4. For a full service healthcare institution, apply for a commercial registration at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
5. Obtain a commercial permit from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning.
6. Obtain a commercial registration number from the immigration office at the Ministry of Interior.
6.5 Setting up an Educational Institution in Qatar
1. For K-12, obtain an approval from the Department of Private Education at the Ministry of Education;
For Post Secondary Education, obtain an approval from the Higher Education Institute Department at the Supreme Education Council.
2. Submit a request to be exempted from local partnership to the Investment Promotion Department at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
3. Fill and certify the establishment contract form at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
4. Apply for a commercial registration at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
5. Obtain a commercial permit from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning.
6. Obtain a commercial registration number from the immigration office at the Ministry of Interior.
6.6 Setting up a Trade Representative Office in Qatar
1. Submit a request along with a certificate or memorandum of association of the parent company, and the certified power of attorney for the nominated manager in Qatar for the representative office, to the
Investment Promotion Department at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
2. Apply for a commercial registration at the Ministry of Business and Trade.
3. Obtain a commercial permit from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning.
4. Obtain a commercial registration number from the immigration office at the Ministry of Interior.
6.7 Setting up an Engineering Consultancy Office in Qatar
1. Apply for a license to practice the proposed profession to the Engineering Acceptance Committee at the Urban Planning and Development Authority.
6.8 Setting up a Law Office in Qatar
1. A pply for a license to practice the proposed profession to the Lawyer Acceptance Committee at the Ministry of Justice.
Sudah hampir sebulan ini terpaksa hunting Ban/Tyre Mobil yang sudah mulai keropos. Sebenarnya secara fisik "kembangan" tyre mobilku ini masih OK...(Compare nya dgn dulu waktu cari tyre di indonesia) tetapi secara fisik kelihatan tyre ada retak2 seperti tanah yang kering dan parahnya sering sekali "Air Pressure" turun setelah beberapa waktu apalai klu lama ndak dipakai (1-2 hari). percepatan kerusakan kimia tyre ini mungkin bisa jadi di pengaruhi cuaca di Qatar yang exstrem panas sekali dan dingin sekali sementara "kembangan" tyre lebih awet karena kondisi jalanan yang "mulus" dibanding di Indonesia. whatever yg jelas klu dilihat dari tanggal produksinya "tyre" mobilku memnag dibuat tahun 2006 jadi sudah 4 tahun dan memang waktunya diganti bahkan kelebihan (standart safety klu ndak salah 3 tahun kudu diganti - kata pabriknya) tapi itu semua tergantung situasi dan penggunaan.
OK back to the topic, Mencari Ban harusnya mudah ternyata lumayan butuh perjuangan buka apa=apa karena ada factor quality yang kudu di compromise dgn 'budget'...tetep. Original Tyre yg dipakai oleh Ford dgn Ring 17 adalah ....lupa.rugged or somethign else (seperti USA brand) parahnya itu brand di carri di Ford Services sendiri ndak ada dan juga ditoko2 yang lain. Ide mengganti Ban dengan merk yang sama maksudnya biar bisa diganti secara berkala 2 biji 2 biji....karena 2 tyre yg tampak urgent sementara yg lain masih lumayan OK. Beralih ke Merk lain dgn ukuran 17 Inchi ternyata juga ndak mudah karena ndak semua merk punya ukuran tyre yang sama percis dgn original tyre. Dari survey untuk Tyre Ford Explorer standart yang ada dari merk goodyear, pirelli dan Bridgston tetapi harganya lumayan juga @ 650 QR dan & 700QR an utk Pirelli... lumayan jag klu ganti 4 biji. baru sadar klu mobil gede spare partnya juga lumayan mahal karena ukurannya....hi.
Anyway setelah seacrhing dan survey2 di toko2 Tyre di Doha akhirnya dapet juga alternative yang menurut aku bisa memenuhi kebutuhan quality dan budget. siapakah dia ? (kayak Kuis saja)...
Tyre itu bernama Yokohama Tyre.... !!... horeee..
Awalnya lihat Landcruiser. Nissan partfinder.... berkeliaran dgn Ban itu dan coba seacrhig di internet ternyata itu Ban Made In Japan dan dari web nya cukup... Top untuk mobil2 besar. Langsung cek di Toko Yokohama supplier di Doha yang lokasinya di Salwa Road near (end of Salwa RA) ternyata utk ukuran Ring 17 harganya @475 QR lmayan jauh dibanding Pirelli...hi pastilah. Langung diputuskan untuk ganti 4 tyre sekalian...eits ternyata tidak selancar itu ...karena kudu balik 2 kali...karena Stock Tyre yg model ini cepat kalai habisnya.
So buat temen2 expat di Doha yang sekiranya sedang hunting Tyre boleh juga Yokohama ini jadi alternative... saya bukan Agen dan tidak ada komisi juga dari mereka....he he... hanya sharing kali saya ..kita punay considerasi yang sama...
When selecting tires for your Explorer, the first question should be "What kind of driving do I do regularly?" Tires are put basically into 5 categories: 1) Sport Tires--- 100% on-road. Good handling and acceleration 2) Street Radials--- 95% on road. Good handling, but enough tread to get through the snow and dirt trails 3)All-Season Radials-- found on stock Explorers (Firestone Radial ATX, Wilderness AT). 75% on road. Good all around tires 4)All-Terrain Tires- 50% on road. Aggressive tread pattern, noisy, but perform good on and offroad. Use only if you plan to really 4 wheel your Explorer 5)Mud Terrain Tires-- 20%(at best) on road. Built for offroad. Very noisy, handling is poor. Terrible in wet weather, but kick butt in the mud Don't buy tires for the looks, buy them for your needs. If you buy TSL Super Swampers, but never go off-road, you'll hate them. They will give you bad gas mileage, bad acceleration, and terrible noise. I always recommend BFGoodrich Tires for anything. They make a tire in all categories, except street radial. (BFG Sport Truck, Trail TA, All-Terrain, Mud Terrain.) Michelin, Mickey Thompson, Goodyear, Cooper, Dunlop, and Big O also make great tires. I would stay away from Firestones, or "grocery store" brand. Most good tires will cost you between $70 and $110. Always buy the extended warranty. NOTE: BFG does not come with a warranty, so buy that extended warranty from the tire shop. Sizes: Most Explorers come stock with P225/75 R15, although some come with P235. I would not go any bigger than a 30x9.50 on a stock Explorer. I've heard of people fitting 31's, but I'm sure they rub. NOTE: If you want huge tires, lift your Explorer. I would also recommend sticking with a "P" tire (passenger) unless you tow, or go offroading. BFG's are all (except maybe the Trails and Sport Truck) "LT"s.
Bisa di cek di webnya sesuai Brand Mobil, Type dan Tahun untuk mendapatkan Tyre model suggestion. untuk mobilku karena kebutuhannya buat 4W dgn type On-Road, Off Road, All No problem type yang dipiliah adalah "Geolandar A/T-S".